NVQ II-III Beauty Therapy, BHSci
Dawn Collado
Originally hailing from Berkshire in the UK, Dawn’s foundations within the aesthetic industry came from stints in posh health clubs as a Beauty Therapist. After accidentally relocating permanently to Australia some years later, her dermal journey began after falling madly for an IPL machine (not literally).
Since studying, Dawn has worked alongside plastic surgeons and dermatologists alike, but her greatest asset is her ability to treat skin with a holistic approach which began back in the beauty days. Since then, she has earned a qualification in kinesiology, which only adds to her all-embracing approach when it comes to treating the skin.
Thanks to currently splitting her time between James Vivian & a Dermatologist residing in the Bayside area, Dawn has an even broader relationship with treating the skin. With a particular penchant for treating skin discolourations (reds/browns) via laser and light-based therapies, as well as weaving Dermapen 4 and Osmosis Infusions into her treatments, Dawn’s multifaceted approach is a daily inspiration.
With a sharp wit and inherently dry British sense of humour, Dawn is one of our punniest assets here at JV. All her client's absolutely A-Daw(n) her (that ones for you Dawny) which is undoubtedly due to her thoughtful & nurturing nature.